Greetings to all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,

I wish all the Parish Members a Happy, Healthy and a Blessed New Year. I would also like to thank and appreciate all the 2018 office bearers, executive committee members for their dedication and hard work during the year 2018.

There are many blessings that each year brings us. Life is all about your resilience and your ability to go through ups and downs in the journey with a positive attitude. Despite the harshness of the winter freeze, it also reminds us that no winter last forever. As we bid adieu to 2018 and usher into the new year, it’s an excellent time to reflect, rejuvenate, and reorganize ourselves grounded in His words.

It has been said that relationships are the centerpiece of the human experience. Without them, life seems to lose its meaning. Our lives consist of an entire portfolio of various types of relationships. Family, friends, neighbors, rivals, and even strangers all contribute to the delicate blend of relationships that shape the way we experience life. The same is true with God. Experiencing a relationship with God is a crucial part of the equation. Let’s foster the relationship with God and fellow beings.

A meaningful life is not being rich, being popular, being educated or being perfect, It is about being real, being humble and being able to share ourselves and touch the lives of others. Each moment of our life is God’s gift to us, and God has a plan and purpose for our lives. Let’s live the life in a more meaningful life.

May the Almighty empower all of us with His blessings to stay safe and fill our hearts with hopes for a brighter tomorrow. Let spirituality, fostering relationship and meaningful life be our new year’s resolution. I request all the member's support and co-operation for the New Year 2019.


With Prayers,

Byju Varghese
